Here is the story of me…

(In a fun little interview format because who actually likes talking about themselves?)

Where did you get your start?

I was always full of creativity as a boisterous child that gradually grew into a shy young adult who used my skills for self-expression. I’ve always been passionate about all forms of creativity, and this culminated in having to make a choice between following an artistic path or a creative writing path in my studies. I went on study Textile Design at Leeds University, finding that the course offered equal parts practical and studious learning which really appealed to my love of discovering new things.

It was while at university that I met the amazing Rachael Taylor (Founder of the Rachael Taylor Studio) for the first time. What started as a 2-week placement turned into a part time role, which turned into a full-time role freelancing for multiple projects and clients. I’ll forever be grateful to Rachael for literally snapping me up straight from university and taking me on a whirlwind career of so many wonderful creative projects.

When starting out if you’d told me I’d someday know how to record and edit videos or help style a photoshoot or run a social media account I’d have laughed so hard. Over the years I’ve built up a huge variety of creative skills and nowadays I get to utilise both my love of design and creative writing.

Tell us about you as a person.

I’ve often been told I have a “calm presence”. I’m a listener rather than a talker, which I think makes me a very good team player.

I like to put 150% into everything I do, down to the smallest detail and I’m very good at adapting and learning with any new situation. I need to learn a new software? I’ll find out how. I need to adapt and switch to a new process? I’ll research every new step and learn how to do it.

Over the years I was always awarded ‘hardest worker’ and while I would rather have won ‘best hair’ :), this has been a through line for every project I put my hands to.

I would say I’m definitely someone who is more glass half full.

What are you passionate about (other than creativity)?

My family – They are my bedrock and keep me an optimistic person every day. I recently became an Aunty and I can’t describe how much joy it brings me.

Nature – Growing up with forests right on our doorstep has instilled in me a deep love for nature and our animal friends.

Reading – There’s nothing better than escaping into a new world and exploring new stories.

All things geeky – Videos games, D&D, books, films, you name it I’ll probably nerd out about it.

Community – I think being part of the creative community is something very special. I’ve never been part of something as supportive or encouraging.

Tell us about your own brand sundownmoonup.

I’ve always wanted to start my own little brand, ever since studying at University, there just never seemed a right time or the right idea. It wasn’t until 2021 that I really dedicated time to figuring it out. I picked out a name, a brand style and designed a collection of products, which turned into my little Esty shop sundownmoonup.

I’ve always been fascinated by the moon and stars and a deep affinity and respect for nature. I grew up with amazing walks and woodlands on my doorstep, and stargazing as a pastime. As a vegetarian (and vegan when I can be), and as someone who is very conscious of their environmental impact, I just knew this was something I would want to carry into my brand as well. Every part of the process for sundownmoonup, from the printing inks to the packaging has been sourced from eco-friendly companies and methods.